Is Weight Fluctuation Normal?
Is it normal for weight to fluctuate each day? Find out what Dr. Krista Varady, author of the EOD diet has to say in answer to Francis’ question. Fast Days Healing Days finds a correlation between glycemic index and weight fluctuation.
Fast Day Turkey Taco Meat
Explore the virtuous, Fast Day Turkey Taco Meat recipe with Susie T. of Fast Days Healing Days. You’ll swear you’re cheating on your intermittent, alternate day fasting (aka EOD diet), or 5:2 fasting diet, but your hips will know you’re not! Fast Day (FD) meals and recipes don’t have to be boring to be effective. Susie will show you why, diet success and deprivation are polar opposites.
Getting Past the First Few Days Of Intermittent Fasting
Fast Days Healing Days brings you the best from Dr. Krista Varady, author of The Every Other Day Diet. Dr. Varady has tips and tricks to make your intermittent alternate day fasting easier. Make every other day dieting a snap!
Fast Day Psylli Wraps
Join Susie T. of Fast Days Healing Days as she invites us to get silly with DocP’s Psylli Wraps. Psylli Wraps make a quick and convenient food on the go for great low cal and low carb Fast Day meals in minutes. Great for home, school or office, make a batch in ten minutes or less. Perfect for intermittent fasting and ADF down days!
Weight Loss Stalls and Intermittent Fasting
What happens when you experience a weight loss stall while intermittent fasting? Does that mean you won’t lose any more weight? Find out how Dr. Varady recommends handling stalls with Susie T. Gibbs of Fast Days Healing Days.
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