Fast Day Avocado Cucumber Tomato Salad
Do you want quick and easy Fast Day (FD) meals and recipes? Do you despair over your Fast Day (FD) menus? Fast Days (FDs) don’t have to be complicated–even if you do love cooking as much as Fast Days Healing Days. Join Susie T. with another quick and delicious side salad. Just add protein–or add a bowl of soup. Scramble a couple of eggs. Done!
Fast Day Meal Plan | Fast Day All Day Easy Peasy Soup With Shrimp
Fast Day Meal Plan – Totals 501 calories and features a 3 gorgeous Fast Day (FD) meals plus dessert. The meals taste fresh and leave you feeling full without being weighted down. Perfect for intermittent fasting Down Days (DDs).
Fast Day Hummus Veggie Wrap
Do you go crazy trying to figure out low-cook or no-cook alternatives for quick and easy, Fast Day (FD) meals? DocP has a PhD in “DONE!” Cuz that’s just what she says, when she whips up one of her Fast Day (FD) easy meals in minutes! You’ll love this hummus veggie wrap made with a super-low cal multi-grain Tumaro’s Wrap.
Fast Day All Day Easy Peasy Soup
DocP of Fast Days Healing Days shows us how to make a huge pot of soup you can munch on all day for only 343 calories for an entire pot! No need to go hungry on fast days when DocP is around!
Norpro Easy Carrot Curler and Slicer
Fast Days Healing Days reviews the Norpro Carrot Curler and Slicer and gives it a resounding thumbs-up for making easy veggie pasta curls that are wider, like pappardelle shape (thick, flat ribbons). Perfect for Fast Day noodle-icious meals and alternate day, intermittent fasting meals.
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