Fast Day Psylli Wraps

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Join Susie T. of Fast Days Healing Days as she invites us to get silly with DocP’s Psylli Wraps. Psylli Wraps make a quick and convenient food on the go for great low cal and low carb Fast Day meals in minutes. Great for home, school or office, make a batch in ten minutes or less. Perfect for intermittent fasting and ADF down days!



Fast Day Psylli Wraps used to make an Asian fusion breakfast taco for only 100 calories. Filling Fast Day (FD) food and none of the guilt!

Sometimes we play with our food! As a busy psychologist, DocP has to adapt this alternate day fasting lifestyle to fit her needs. Namely, Fast Day (FD) or feast day, food must be convenient, quickly prepared and satisfying both from a hunger standpoint and taste great. She relies on no-brainer food, simply prepared, and prefers foods high in fiber, with an excellent chew-factor.

Psyllium husks (whole, unground husks) are one of her favorite FOC (foods of convenience) that help her experience effortless FDs or DDs. She can stay totally legal on Fast Days (FDs) and whip-up many different types of low calorie, low carb, bread-replacement “fast foods” with it. Psyllium fills her up and gives that much-needed full-sensation . It also stays in her tummy and small bowel, longer, allowing her to be hunger-free for longer periods.



Fast Day Psylli Wraps make a fantastic GDS (guts delivery system) and even hold up to fillings with soggy ingredients!

I, Susie T. will tell you more about Psyllium—what it is and where you can find it, or what to sub for it if you don’t have it hanging around in your pantry—in a product review, quite soon.

About these tortillas, if you can make a pancake or crepe, you can make these Psylli Wraps. It’s a very forgiving batter and the thing you’re looking for is “pourability.” You want the batter to easily pour into the pan to quickly swirl it into a 6” tortilla. Then don’t mess with it until you’re certain the underneath is done—the sides will begin curling.

The texture is not quite tortilla, but kind of a very flexible, slightly stretchy wrap. Both DocP and I love the Psylli Wraps made into breakfast tacos. Psylli Wraps also work great as a lunch wrap. It’s not difficult to make a 100 calorie wrap that tastes great and leaves you full for hours. Enjoy!


There is a tweaked version of these Psylli Wraps on the Fluffy Chix Cook blog. They use more FOC, high fiber ingredients but the benefit is that the calorie count comes down to around 16 calories per wrap! And the recipe makes about 9-10 tortillas! Please visit our sister site dedicated to keto and low carb, mostly paleo-primal and practically gluten-free foods. Here is the link to the tweaked version of Psylli Wraps.



Author: Susie T. Gibbs

SusieT is passionately committed to seeking studies and research detailing the most effective strategies for killing inflammation, boosting health, increasing energy and expanding longevity through nutrition. Seeking health through ancestral principles and making darn good food while traveling along life’s path to better health occupies a key place in her personal food philosophy. SusieT develops recipes and writes about cooking, food, health and nutrition news. Find her latest work in CarbSmart Magazine, a digital magazine from the leaders in low carbohydrate information. A two-year survivor from late stage, hormone-positive breast cancer, SusieT encourages everyone to meet their kitchen and begin a love affair with life and cooking good, clean, nourishing meals. The life you save could be your own. Email SusieT with questions and suggestions for new 5:2 and 4:3 ADF/EOD recipes.

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